Torre Match

For candidates > Torre Match
Find the perfect job
Let AI do the job filtering for you using hundreds of matching factors.
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Torre Match
Used and backed by early investors and executives of:
Torre early investors
Let AI do the job hunting for you
Candidate rankings
Don’t guess how well your application is doing. Find out how you rank against other candidates. Dozens of factors explained.
Transparent algorithms
No AI black boxes here. For each application you submit, you’ll know where you stand every step of the way.
Two-way cultural fit
Torre analyzes 40+ professional behavioral traits scientifically and automatically.
Find out who got the job if you didn’t
Sometimes you don’t get the job, and often you’d like to know why. In most cases, we’ll tell you.
It's free
Let Torre users do the talking:
“Torre makes the process much easier and transparent, saving us time, operational costs and delivering more qualified prospects.”
“Torre's technology is amazing, but the most incredible thing is having people on their team available all the time to help and unblock you. That’s what I highlight the most.”
Michael Ellis
VP, Content Licensing
“It allows us to set aside the operational aspects and focus on a more in-depth review, resulting in more accurate and secure hires.”
“Thanks to Torre's cultural fit, I don't make bad hires anymore. I always find candidates who match my company's professional ethics.”
“It's the perfect hybrid between a traditional headhunter and job boards: great profiles with precise, personalized filtering thanks to artificial intelligence.”
Torre’s Job-Matching Model
Torre`s Job-Matching Model
Fair artificial intelligence.
We’re committed to it.
Fair artificial intelligence.