Torre’s Job-Matching Model | Organization size validation
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3.4. Organization size validation
Organization size validation
The company-size validation feature's purpose is to ensure that a user's preference for company size aligns with the size of the company offering the job, based on the preferences of the applicant and the company's profile.
The data for this factor is provided by the candidates themselves. Candidates can input and update their preferred company sizes during the onboarding process of the platform, in the edit section while viewing their profiles, or through interactions with the recruiter bot.
Talent seekers
Talent seekers can specify the size of their company in their organizational genome. We take this information for matching for all jobs that have been posted under that organization.
Data validation
We validate the company size data that candidates provide in various ways.
Company size verification
Candidates can verify their company size preference on the platform. We assess these preferences to ensure they are realistic and aligned with the candidate’s experience and career goals.
Algorithm validation
  • Daily and weekly metrics
  • Editorial reviews
  • Direct feedback from talent seekers
  • Direct feedback from candidates
For every job, we compare the user’s preferred company size with the actual size of the company offering the job. If a user's preferred company size does not align with the company's size, we filter the user from the suggestions, and the user will score 0 for this factor.
Mathematical description
  • C_s be the set of company sizes preferred by the user.
  • C_j be the actual size of the company offering the job.
Mathematical description
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