Torre’s Job-Matching Model | Genome completion
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4.6. Genome completion
Genome completion
The genome completion ranker ranks candidates based on how much information is on their genomes. Candidates that have more complete genomes will be more accurately ranked because we have more information to validate their ranking. This ranker ensures we penalize emptier genomes.
All information on a genome The checklist to genome completion is given in the genome itself. The components include:
  • Add your location
  • Your contact information
  • Import résumé
  • Add language(s)
  • Online presence (links to your existing profiles)
  • Set your job preferences
  • Complete your behavioral traits questionnaire
  • Add/import work experience
  • Add/import educational experience
  • Connect your network
  • Confirm your skills' proficiency
  • Mark with the skills you'd definitely want in job matches
  • Add a profile picture
  • Get 5 friends/colleagues to take the behavioral traits questionnaire about you
Data validation
We validate the data on the genome itself and have this interface to give candidates a fair explanation of how they can improve their genomes.
Algorithm validation
  • Daily and weekly metrics
  • Editorial reviews
  • Direct feedback from talent seekers
  • Direct feedback from candidates
Fair artificial intelligence.
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Fair artificial intelligence.