Carlos Andres Arbelaez Salazar

Carlos Andres Arbelaez Salazar



Gerente de Proyecto
Bogota D.C., Colombia

Contact Carlos regarding: 

Flexible work
Starting at USD15/hour




Jobs verified_user 6% verified
  • N
    Gerente de proyecto
    Netcol Colombia
    Apr 2024 - Current (11 months)
    Lidero la administración de la línea de servicios NOC, transformación digital y desarrollo de software para la organización, gestionando un equipo de más de 140 personas. Mi enfoque incluye la auditoría de los procesos de transformación digital y el despliegue de sistemas empresariales, asegurando que las soluciones tecnológicas cumplan con los estándares de seguridad y calidad exigidos para optimizar la eficiencia operativa. Como responsable de la administración de infraestructura en la nube, superviso el cumplimiento de controles de seguridad y audito regularmente la integridad de los sistemas para asegurar la disponibilidad y protección de la información. Además, gestiono el monitoreo integral de redes, manteniendo un enfoque en solucio
  • N
    Jefe de servicios verified_user Verified experience
    Netcol Colombia
    Sep 2021 - Current (3 years 6 months)
    Lideré las operaciones de los diversos Centros de Operación de Red (NOC), asegurando el cumplimiento de acuerdos de nivel de servicio (SLA) establecidos por los clientes. Mi responsabilidad principal fue la administración integral del área de Tecnologías de la Información (IT), incluyendo la supervisión de servicios web y la gestión de sistemas empresariales y aplicativos internos. Además, dirigí la ejecución y mejora continua del sistema ERP, garantizando la alineación de los procesos internos con los objetivos estratégicos de la organización. Supervisé la infraestructura de redes FTTH, asegurando la operación efectiva de los servicios de acceso y core, y gestioné el soporte técnico a través de la mesa de ayuda y call center, mejorando lo
  • N
    Service Manager
    Netcol Colombia
    Sep 2021 - May 2024 (2 years 9 months)
    As a leader and supervisor of operations at the various Network Operation Centers (NOCs) of the organization, I am dedicated to ensuring compliance with indicators and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) established by our clients. My responsibility encompasses comprehensive management of the Information Technology (IT) area, overseeing the operation of web services, as well as the management of installed office applications. Additionally, I lead and supervise the execution of activities related to the ERP system development implemented by the organization, contributing to the efficiency and alignment of internal processes. I directly oversee activities related to Fiber To The Home (FTTH) network infrastructure, ensuring the effective operation
  • N
    Coordinador NOC
    Netcol Colombia
    Sep 2020 - Sep 2021 (1 year 1 month)
    Como coordinador del NOC, lideré y supervisé las actividades del equipo para asegurar la disponibilidad y calidad de los servicios de red. Gestioné de manera efectiva los recursos, incluyendo personal, herramientas y equipos, para mantener una operación eficiente del NOC las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana. Establecí y monitoreé indicadores clave de desempeño del NOC, tomando medidas proactivas para mejorarlos según fuera necesario. Implementé y perfeccioné procesos y procedimientos dentro del NOC, garantizando una operación efectiva y eficiente. Mi enfoque incluyó la mejora continua de las operaciones para optimizar la entrega de servicios. Además, preparé informes y presentaciones detalladas sobre los resultados y desempeño del NOC, pr
  • N
    NOC Coordinator
    Netcol Colombia
    Sep 2020 - Sep 2021 (1 year 1 month)
    As the NOC Coordinator, I led and supervised the team's activities to ensure the availability and quality of network services. I effectively managed resources, including personnel, tools, and equipment, to maintain efficient 24/7 NOC operations. I established and monitored key NOC performance indicators, taking proactive measures to improve them as needed. I implemented and refined processes and procedures within the NOC, ensuring effective and efficient operations. My approach included the continuous improvement of operations to optimize service delivery. Additionally, I prepared detailed reports and presentations on NOC results and performance, providing a clear vision of the team's performance and contributing to strategic decision-makin
  • N
    Backoffice II
    Netcol Colombia
    Aug 2018 - Aug 2020 (2 years 1 month)
    During my time as Backoffice II, I played a key role in reviewing the performance indicators of the mobile networks for the telecommunication operator. I provided solid support to field staff and ensured efficient follow-up of ongoing faults, thus contributing to the quick resolution of operational issues. In addition, I provided crucial support to the NOC management, coordinating the activities of Frontoffice staff to ensure smooth and effective operations. I highlight my skill in automating tasks through the creation of VB macros, SQL routines, and advanced use of Excel. My basic knowledge and handling of SQL databases enabled effective information management. I actively participated in the improvement and implementation of management pro
  • Nokia
    Integrador Junior
    Jul 2018 - Aug 2018 (2 months)
    Durante mi rol como Integrador Junior en Nokia, lideré la revisión exhaustiva de los indicadores de desempeño, centrándome especialmente en las configuraciones de Nodos B, eNodeB y BTS para el operador Claro. Mi enfoque consistió en validar el estado de las integraciones y supervisar la ejecución de las mismas, asegurando un rendimiento óptimo. Contribuí significativamente a las modernizaciones y actualizaciones de módulos, implementando mejoras para mantener la infraestructura tecnológica alineada con los estándares más recientes. Proporcioné soporte esencial al personal en campo, facilitando la ejecución de actividades diarias de manera eficiente. Destaco mis habilidades avanzadas en Excel, incluida la creación de macros en VBA. Esta de
  • Nokia
    Junior Integrator
    Jul 2018 - Aug 2018 (2 months)
    During my role as a Junior Integrator at Nokia, I led the thorough review of performance indicators, focusing especially on the configurations of Node B, eNodeB, and BTS for the Claro operator. My approach involved validating the status of integrations and overseeing their execution, ensuring optimal performance. I contributed significantly to the modernizations and upgrades of modules, implementing improvements to keep the technological infrastructure aligned with the latest standards. I provided essential support to field personnel, facilitating the efficient execution of daily activities. I highlight my advanced skills in Excel, including the creation of VBA macros. This expertise allowed me to develop applications that automated routine
  • H
    Back Office Performance
    Jan 2017 - Jul 2018 (1 year 7 months)
    During my tenure as a Back Office Performance at Huawei, I led the thorough review of performance indicators for the Movistar client, specifically in the Caribbean and Eastern regions of the country. Focused on optimizing internal processes, I developed advanced VBA macros that significantly contributed to reducing the management times of performance faults. I highlight my achievements in developing databases designed for a web environment, aiming to centralize relevant project and area information. These databases were fundamental in improving operational efficiency and informed decision-making. In addition to my technical responsibilities, I played a crucial role as an acting coordinator, providing comprehensive support to the group's coo
  • H
    Back Office FLM_O&M - Movistar
    Sep 2014 - Dec 2016 (2 years 4 months)
    During my time at Back Office FLM_O&M - Movistar, I conducted detailed reviews of performance indicators for the Movistar client, covering the Caribbean and Eastern regions of the country. My focus was on 2G, 3G, and LTE technology equipment from Nokia and Huawei, ensuring a comprehensive analysis of the network. I efficiently managed various network platforms, including U2000, IBM Maximo, Qlik Sense, PRTG, OSS NetAct Nokia, OMS Nokia, BSCs, and RNCs. My work contributed to ensuring the quality and optimal performance of the services offered by the client, demonstrating solid skills in managing heterogeneous and complex technologies.
  • Ericsson
    Técnico Campo O&M
    Feb 2014 - Dec 2014 (11 months)
    En mi rol como Técnico Campo O&M en la ciudad de Bogotá para el proyecto de O&M, asumí la responsabilidad de atender emergencias, ejecutar mantenimientos correctivos y llevar a cabo actividades de mantenimiento preventivo. Mi enfoque estaba centrado en asegurar la continuidad operativa de manera efectiva y eficiente en el contexto de las operaciones y mantenimiento del proyecto.
  • Ericsson
    Field Technician O&M
    Feb 2014 - Dec 2014 (11 months)
    In my role as a Field Technician O&M in the city of Bogotá for the O&M project, I took on the responsibility of responding to emergencies, executing corrective maintenance, and conducting preventive maintenance activities. My focus was on ensuring operational continuity in an effective and efficient manner within the context of the project's operations and maintenance.
  • ZTE Corporation
    Técnico de telecomunicaciones
    ZTE Corporation
    Nov 2012 - Feb 2014 (1 year 4 months)
    En mi rol como Técnico de Telecomunicaciones en BGH Colombia EU, llevé a cabo procesos de mantenimiento a nivel Core de la red, proporcionando diagnósticos y estadísticas para mejorar la calidad y el servicio al cliente. Estos procesos incluyeron la ejecución de rutinas diarias y semanales, como Fallback, Datamas, seguimiento del comportamiento de circuitos, captura de Zigos, control de HLRWS y verificación de estadísticas de tráfico. Generé informes detallados de operatividad para cada rutina, facilitando el seguimiento y la resolución eficiente de posibles problemas.
  • ZTE Corporation
    ZTE Corporation
    Nov 2012 - Feb 2014 (1 year 4 months)
    During my tenure as TECHNICAN III O&M in Bogotá, I led emergency response, executed corrective and preventive maintenance in the O&M project. Additionally, I was responsible for the commissioning of BTS (Flexi - Ultra Site – Metro Site - Multiradio), Node B Power ELTEK (1 – 2), with specialized knowledge in PDH and SDH, Power ZTE, radio links, and the configuration and commissioning of Radwin, NEC, and Ericsson radios. I demonstrated skills in managing Site Master with METRICOM certification. Moreover, I assumed backoffice duties, providing support and managing field staff, which included approximately fifteen people, along with scheduling daily, weekly, and monthly activities.
  • B
    Telecommunications Technician
    BGH Colombia EU
    May 2012 - Nov 2012 (7 months)
    In my role as a Telecommunications Technician at BGH Colombia EU, I carried out maintenance processes at the Core level of the network, providing diagnostics and statistics to improve quality and customer service. These processes included executing daily and weekly routines, such as Fallback, Datamas, monitoring circuit behavior, capturing Zigos, controlling HLRWS, and verifying traffic statistics. I generated detailed operational reports for each routine, facilitating efficient tracking and resolution of potential issues.
  • O
    Técnico Plan de Calidad Área de Conmutación
    OSC Top Solutions Group
    Apr 2011 - Nov 2012 (1 year 8 months)
    Como Técnico Plan de Calidad Área de Conmutación en OSC Top Solutions Group, ejecuté pruebas de audio a nivel nacional y diagnosticé incidencias reportadas de manera ágil. Realicé pruebas de interconexiones entre operadores, atendí reclamaciones de usuarios y gestioné la plataforma SIGOS. Además, apliqué mi conocimiento en herramientas de Red de Comcel, como HIT, Crosstak, SecureCRT y Zoc, en conjunto con la gestión de plataformas de reportes internos como TROUBLE MANAGER y CALIDAD GESTION. Destacó por la creación detallada de informes semanales y mensuales que documentaban exhaustivamente las actividades realizadas en el proyecto, proporcionando una visión completa de la calidad y el desempeño del área de conmutación.
  • O
    Quality Plan Technician, Switching Area
    OSC Top Solutions Group
    Apr 2011 - Nov 2012 (1 year 8 months)
    As a Quality Plan Technician in the Switching Area at OSC Top Solutions Group, I conducted national-level audio tests and diagnosed reported incidents swiftly. I performed interconnection tests between operators, addressed user complaints, and managed the SIGOS platform. Additionally, I applied my knowledge of Comcel's Network tools such as HIT, Crosstak, SecureCRT, and Zoc, in conjunction with managing internal reporting platforms like TROUBLE MANAGER and CALIDAD GESTION. I stood out for the detailed creation of weekly and monthly reports that exhaustively documented activities carried out in the project, providing a complete overview of the quality and performance of the switching area.
Education verified_user 0% verified
  • F
    Ingeniera de Sistemas
    Fundación Universitaria del Area Andina
    Jul 2019 - Dec 2023 (4 years 6 months)
  • F
    Engineering, Systems Engineering
    Fundación Universitaria del Area Andina
    Jul 2019 - Dec 2023 (4 years 6 months)
Projects verified_user 100% verified
    NOC verified_user Verified experience
    Aug 2018 - Current (6 years 7 months)