Mario Reiley

Mario Reiley



SQL Developer | C++ | Python
Zulia, Venezuela




Jobs verified_user 0% verified
  • F
    Back End Developer
    Family Rescue Foundation
    Mar 2022 - Apr 2023 (1 year 2 months)
    - Coding new functionality , Create Endpoint APIs and Convert business logic into Django/Django REST framework. - Developed highly optimized stored procedures, functions, and database views to implement the business logic. - Created Parameterized Queries, Sorting the data, Defining Data sources for reports. - Worked with users in many different way for gathering source data files, defining data elements. - Cleaning data from different sources for many different data analysis purposes. Skills: SQL,Python, Django/Django REST framework. PostgreSQL database
  • I
    Back End Developer
    ITelligent Information Technologies
    Dec 2021 - Jan 2022 (2 months)
    - Rewrite Javascript and C# Web applications for NetRetail - Monitoring of own prices and those of the competition for the retail sector. - Successfully extracted transformed and load data into data warehouse. Skills:MS SQL Server, MongoDB, JavaScript, C#
  • Independant
    Software Developer
    Jan 2020 - Dec 2021 (2 years)
    - My tasks were to maintain a group of legacy applications, update components and business logic, rewrite T-SQL code as well as create new scripts in Python and C#.Net for some reports. - Identified slow performing views, stored procedures and queries - Created Database objects including Tables, Views, Stored Procedures and UDF - Developed User defined functions, stored procedures, indexes, Triggers. - Extensively involved in writing database scripts for transformation converts data from one data type to another. - Created clients application for CRUD Operation,reporting and CLI application for normalize data. - Load data from diverges data sources. Skills: MS SQL Server, T-SQL,C#,python
  • I
    Back End Developer
    Ingesoft C.A.
    Dec 2005 - Nov 2019 (14 years)
    - Analyzed user requirements and building components with business rules as well as making reports for different departments. Redesign and rewrite store procedures via T-SQL. - I did Database Backup, Recovery and Disaster Recovery procedures. - Analyze the Legacy Data, Import the data into database. - Extract data from SQL Server, using the SQL Server Source components. - Created clients application for CRUD Operation and reporting Skills: MS SQL Server, T-SQL,C#,C++
Education verified_user 0% verified
  • A
    American association of programmers NAP
Projects verified_user 0% verified
  • T
    Typically CRUD operations, trigger SP, PL-SQL