Renan Peixoto da Silva
Renan Peixoto da Silva

Renan Peixoto da Silva  new_releases



Head of Engineering at Torre
São Carlos, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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Jobs verified_user 88% verified
    Head of Engineering verified_user public
    Apr 2021 - Current (3 years 11 months)
    Technical Lead verified_user public
    Feb 2020 - Apr 2021 (1 year 3 months)
    - Coordinate the design and development of the first version of the professional genomes on and other subproducts.
    - Provide architectural and design direction for a variety of projects, including professional genomes.
    - Promote collaboration and ensure code quality, fast shipping, controlled technical debt.
    Senior Software Engineer verified_user public
    Mar 2019 - Feb 2020 (1 year)
    - Develop high-quality, scalable, fast-response, cross-browser, and cross-device web solutions.
    - Coordinate the development of multiple key functionalities to attend to businesses' and users' needs.
    - Suggest integrations and different mechanisms for improving the product development cycle.
  • Itera Inovação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
    Product Designer & Front-End Engineer verified_user
    Itera Inovação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
    Aug 2017 - Mar 2019 (1 year 8 months)
    - Help the team in adopting a more user-driven approach and establishing processes that take User Experience into account.
    - Facilitate Agile adoption and monitor the development progress throughout each Sprint.
    - Coordinate and collaborate with the development of reusable UI components.
    - Design software products for different domains in accordance with the customers' needs and core principles of UX/UI Design.
    - Refine and validate product and business requirements for a better understanding of users' tasks and workflows.
  • E
    Collaborator verified_user
    EPiC UFSCar
    Nov 2016 - Mar 2018 (1 year 5 months)
    - Help in establishing the group dynamics and work strategies
    - Contribute to the selection and execution of different software- and technology-related courses and workshops.
  • P
    Researcher in Data Provenance Visualization and Software Traceability
    Provenance and Traceability Research Group, UW Bothell
    Dec 2015 - Sep 2016 (10 months)
    - Investigate provenance in software evolution, software artifacts, and management tasks.
    - Design and develop a Java classification-based solution for explicitly extracting, connecting, and visualizing links between software metadata, code changes, and reasons for changes.
    - Develop a graph-based visualization tool that connects refactoring patterns to software changes in different levels of granularity.
    - Generate research reports and publications describing design decisions, project portrayals, applicable constraints, and results.
  • L
    Research Assistant in Human-Computer Interaction verified_user
    Laboratório de Interação Avançada, UFSCar
    Mar 2014 - Jul 2014 (5 months)
    - Conduct primary and secondary source research in Urban Computing, Third Places, and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).
    - Design and develop a Java-based interactive system using the Microsoft Kinect device, public displays, social media, and wearable technologies.
    - Produce research reports and artifacts based on experiment analysis and results.
Education verified_user 50% verified
  • U
    Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Computer Science and Software Engineering
    University of Washington Bothell
    Jun 2015 - Sep 2016 (1 year 4 months)
  • U
    Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Computer Science verified_user
    Universidade Federal de São Carlos
    Feb 2012 - Aug 2018 (6 years 7 months)
Projects verified_user 50% verified
    Professional genomes verified_user public
    Feb 2020 - Apr 2021 (1 year 3 months)
    - Design and development of the first version of the professional genomes on
  • L
    Laboratório de Interação Avançada, UFSCar
    Mar 2014 - Jul 2014 (5 months)
    - Design and develop a Java-based interactive system using the Microsoft Kinect device, public displays, social media, and wearable technologies.
    The @CozinhaDC system is an Urban Computing application specifically designed for public spaces, using the support of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), and it aims to promote socialization in an “abandoned” place in a University Campus.
Awards verified_user 34% verified
    Publications verified_user 0% verified
    • P
      Connecting Source Code Changes with Reasons
      Provenance and Traceability Research Group, UW Bothell
      Understanding the reasons behind software changes is a challenging task, as explanations are not always apparent or accessible. In addition, when third party consumers of software try to understand a change, it becomes even more difficult since they are not closely working with the code. To address these challenges, we propose a technique for explicitly connecting code changes with their reasons, referred to as Flexible Artifact Change and Traceability Support (FACTS). FACTS presents a holistic view of changes by (1) generating traceability links for code changes at different levels of abstraction and (2) tracing code changes to heterogeneously represented reasons. Our user experiment indicates that FACTS is useful in understanding code cha
    • U
      Projeto Janela: Protagonistas e Especialistas na Construção de Espaços para Diversidade e Transmissão da Informação
      Universidade Federal de São Carlos
      Nov 2017 - Dec 2017 (2 months)
      Discussões contemporâneas estabelecem um cenário complexo no qual debates sobre multiculturalismo e ideais de grupos minoritários ainda são carregados de falta de informação. Pensar em diversidade e valorização da tolerância e promover espaços de cidadania, respeito aos direitos humanos, inclusão de grupos marginalizados e transmissão de conhecimento sobre tais temas devem também ser papéis da educação. Nesse contexto, apresentamos o Projeto Janela, um programa no formato de palestras e rodas de conversas com partipação dos ouvintes, e que traz convidados capazes de direcionar discussões e ajudar a estabelecer meios de entendimento e reconhecimento dos grupos multiculturais e diversos que coexistem. Os eventos do programa se mostraram primo