Nilton Segura

Nilton Segura  Verified by 8 people. Click for details.



Full Stack Software Developer
Lima, Callao Region, Peru

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Jobs 34% verified
  • Torre
    Software Engineering Intern
    Verified experience
    Remote experience
    Sep 2023 - Dec 2023 (4 months)
  • s
    Full Stack Software Developer
    Remote experience
    Nov 2022 - Aug 2023 (10 months)
    - Created web applications and APIs with Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, React, AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, and RESTful standards. - Utilized object-oriented programming and design patterns (MVC, RESTful, etc.) to produce modular and reusable code. - Configured and managed back-end databases with PostgreSQL and open source packages.
  • I
    Creative Copywriter
    IDEARI Creative Company
    Sep 2018 - Dec 2021 (3 years 4 months)
    - Crafted over 20 pieces of content per month, tailored to diverse business models, showcasing creativity and adaptability. - Collaborated with graphic designers, creative directors, and critical clients to deliver high-quality content that met the requirements of each business model, resulting in increased engagement and customer satisfaction. - Developed innovation and creativity to create unique campaigns for clients across multiple industries.
Education 75% verified
  • Microverse
    Microverse Ruby on Rails Module
    Verified experience
    Jun 2023
  • Microverse
    Microverse Final Capstone Module
    Verified experience
    Jun 2023
  • Microverse
    Computer Software Engineering
    Verified experience
    Nov 2022 - Current (1 year 6 months)
  • U
    Electrical and Electronics Engineering
    Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
    Jan 2007 - Dec 2012 (6 years)
Projects 0% verified
  • Microverse
    Book a Place App
    Jun 2023
    - Full-stack web application for reserving places to stay. I collaborated with three partners to build the application, which featured a list of available places, a page for managing reservations, and pages for adding and deleting places. - The application also included detailed information about each place, including cost per night and features, as well as the ability to reserve a specific place. - We used Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL to build an API for the Back-end and React with Vite and Redux Toolkit for the Front-end.
  • Microverse
    Space Travelers
    Mar 2023
    - In this Project, I will be working with real live data from the SpaceX API. - My task is to build a web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services. - The application will allow users to book rockets and join selected space missions.
  • A
    Art Gallery
    Feb 2023
    - This JavaScript/Html5/CSS3 project is about building a web application based on an external API. I built this web app with 2 partners remotely. - We selected an API from a Museum that provides data about paintings and then we build the web app around it. This web app will have 3 user interfaces (Comments, Reservations & Main Gallery).
Publications 0% verified
  • W
    Working Across Borders: How Our Team Collaborated to Successfully Complete a Full Stack Project
    Jun 2023
    Check out my latest article on Medium, where I share my experience working on a full-stack project with a remote team at Microverse.