Gustavo Tovar

Gustavo Tovar  new_releases



Growth Marketing Specialist
Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia

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Jobs verified_user 19% verified
  • S
    Marketing Manage public
    Scale Army
    Jul 2024 - Current (9 months)
    Manage the strategic approach and conversions funnels for Scale Army, an Off-shore recruitment agency for US-Based Companies. Coordinate with content team, manage Paid Media ads and Attribution through Hubspot. Created Landing Pages, and implemented Attribution workflows.
  • D
    Marketing Manager
    Duke Renders.
    Mar 2024 - Current (1 year 1 month)
    Marketing Manager in charge of Lead Generation funnels and Growth strategies at Duke Renders.
  • C
    Discoverability and Off-Amazon Marketing Director
    Color More Lines
    Mar 2023 - Oct 2023 (8 months)
    Responsible for running strategies that can bring Off-Amazon traffic into the Amazon Listings of CML’s clients, using different acquisition and brand awareness tactics.

    Success Points:
    Currently managing 12 different companies' off-amazon traffic campaigns, with varying degrees of success. On average, these companies are now making over 100K in sales on Amazon.
    Generated all the strategic approaches for Off-Amazon Traffic campaigns, including PPC campaigns on Search Engines (Google, Bing), SEO optimization and link-building strategies, Influencer Campaigns, Email Marketing Funnels, and Lead Magnet and Direct Traffic Landing Pages.
    Direct Influencer Marketing Efforts for different brands, to get more traffic into Am
  • E
    Digital Marketing Specialist
    Endless Adventures Incorporated
    Feb 2023 - Jul 2023 (6 months)
    Prepare all the assets and launch strategist for a new narrative video game creator platform, including all digital marketing infrastructure.

    Success Points:
    ● Effectively launch their first landing page to announce the project, with over 200 subscribers
    in the first 3 days.
    ● Currently preparing all assets for the next step in the launch of the platforms, including Social media calendar, Community performance, digital marketing automation (email, Ads, and Content), and measuring platforms like google analytics.
  • Yamu Media
    Growth Marketing Strategist
    Yamu Media
    Jul 2022 - Jan 2023 (7 months)
    Senior Growth Marketing Strategist for YAMU, a NY-based Digital marketing agency focused on empowering intentional leaders to scale impactful companies, focused on the SaaS sector.

    Success Points:
    Successfully managed 3 different accounts to launch new websites and Digital Marketing Funnels, using the EOS methodologies and micro-conversion tracking with Google Analytics GA4.
    Generates successful strategic communication plans for 7 different brands in the US, to support their launch of new Digital Marketing Projects.
    Generated 3 different websites in the US, with varied degrees of marketing automation, and focus on high conversion rate and SEO optimization.
    Supported the acquisition-focused approach with techni
  • Newton Vision Corp
    Marketing Manager
    Newton Vision Corp
    Feb 2020 - Jun 2022 (2 years 5 months)
    Newton Vision Corporation is a consulting company with deep experience in business process reengineering, optimization, and digital transformation. With a center of excellence (COE) and a project management office (PMO) located in Bogota Colombia, and offices in Houston and Austin Texas, NVC provides its customers with a host of solutions including full Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).

    Marketing Manager for the Sales Enablement Service and Internal Marketing Department of NVC. Supervise, create and design content strategies, Business Intelligence, and Revenue Metrics both internally and for customers of NVC.

    Success Points:
    Structured and automated three different marketing processes for clients of NVC, with ef
  • Veta Education Consultancy
    Social Genius
    Veta Education Consultancy
    Aug 2019 - Feb 2020 (7 months)
    Technical and strategic specialist for the Marketing department. Managed CRM platform support, email marketing deployment, affiliate strategy, ads Management, SEO, and Automated campaign integrations with CRM. Connect with Sales Department for Events.

    Implemented effective sales funnel for LATAM and Australia Leads in 2019. Currently coordinating all Social Media Data Analysis and lead generation efforts for 9 offices in 4 countries.
  • G
    Senior Growth Marketing Manager verified_user public
    GYG Digital Marketing
    Nov 2016 - Current (8 years 5 months)
    Provide digital marketing consulting services to different companies. Prepare all the assets and strategies to connect digital marketing infrastructure.

    Success Points:
    Work with 5 different companies providing digital marketing strategies, in different industries like:
    Video Games
    Interior Design
    Audit PPC campaigns, and email marketing campaigns, generating reports with optimizations and following steps
    Generate content plans for social media, and Influencer marketing campaigns
    Analyzed revenue funnels and optimized conversions for
    Paid Search and Paid Social.
    SEO Migrations
    Google Analytics Implementation
    Email Marketing Automation
  • Wirex
    Social Media Manager - LATAM verified_user public
    Jun 2015 - Feb 2022 (6 years 9 months)
    Designed and ran the social media marketing strategy for Wirex in South America and Spain. Assist users on social media channels so they get support as quickly as possible. Conversation Management and Social Media monitoring for the brand.

    Success Points:
    User base growth by 100% in 2016. More than 35,000 users in LATAM and Spain for the Wirex Mobile Platform.
    Implemented an effective sales funnel for LATAM and Spain users until 2018, and supported global customer growth for the App, from 250K users in 2016 to 3 Million users in 2022.
    Participated in several remarketing campaigns with push notifications with the current WirexApp Users (3M+ users) and also focused heavily on Meta Ads, Google Ads, and Community Cont
  • B
    Digital Marketing Manager verified_user
    BQ Trading S.A.S.
    Jun 2015 - May 2016 (1 year)
    Design, create and manage all elements of social media for the BITINKA brand. Generate value strategies that support the growth of the brand. Organize the 2.0 vision of the brand.
    Success: 100% conversions growth during the entire tenure.
  • T
    Digital Marketing Manager & Founder
    TS Talent Group
    Jan 2012 - Feb 2016 (4 years 2 months)
    - Founding Partner of TS Talent Solutions.
    - Launched more than 20 web projects in Venezuela, specifically for MD Associations and entrepreneurs.
    - Implemented successful Social Media Marketing Strategies for 20 clients in Venezuela.
    - Implemented successful Social Media Marketing Strategies for 10 clients in the USA; India, EUA, and Canada.
    Partner and Marketing Director, in charge of all planning for commercial development, and marketing processes of TS Talent, a Digital marketing agency specializing in brand creation and corporate identity for SMBs, entrepreneurs, and personal brands.

    Success Points:
    Founding Partner of TS Talent Solutions.
    Launched over 20 web projects in Venezuela, specifically
  • E-bcorp Business
    Product Development Coordinator
    E-bcorp Business
    Aug 2011 - Dec 2011 (5 months)
    New Product Development (NBD)
    • Take an Initiative or a business idea and structure it into a product that is ready to be marketed and sold.
    • Review current products, from their mere business initiative, in order to verify and review their characteristics.
    • Generate and execute Social Media Strategy for current and new products and offers in the e-bCORP portfolio

    Value Engineering
    • Provide support in the search and generation of content that adds value to the sale, understanding "Value" as elements that adapt to the customer's need and result in identification with the product.

    • Generate strategies to create new channels that support us in the sale of e-bCORP services.
    • Moni
  • R
    Partner / Editorial Coordinator
    Revista Inversiones Sin Fronteras
    Jul 2010 - Oct 2014 (4 years 4 months)
    - Organize, guide, and monitor the work of the editors of Revista ISF.
    - Edition of articles number by number
    - Organize and conduct interviews at events.
    - Coverage of entrepreneurship events.
  • E-Business Corporation
    Advertising Coordinator
    E-Business Corporation
    May 2008 - Dec 2011 (3 years 8 months)
    In charge of the development of communication strategies, presentations, and advertising material for e-bCORP, aimed at the target of technology, processes, and human resources.

    Success Points:
    Participated and generated Pre-sales Presentations for SAP BAiO accredited as SAP Sales Specialist. Digital editor and content specialist, Web Marketing Management, ORM (Online Reputation Management), SEO, Communications 2.0, and Public Relations and corporate image.
    SAP sales goals for Venezuela were met for 3 consecutive years.
    First SAP Partner in Venezuela to launch a successful social media marketing campaign, including Google Ads, email marketing, and content marketing strategy.
  • T
    Sales Consultant
    Terra Networks Venezuela
    Jan 2007 - Jan 2008 (1 year 1 month)
    Management and acquisition of accounts and clients for the department of special projects.
  • B
    Collection Analyst
    Bolívar Banco
    Apr 2006 - Apr 2007 (1 year 1 month)
    Autonomous Management of Collections for the Bolivar Banco Credit Department
Education verified_user 0% verified
  • E
    EF SET English Certificate 83/100 (C2 Proficient)
    EF Standard English Test EF SET
    Jan 2023
  • Udemy
    Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Microsoft Power BI
    Feb 2021
  • Universidad de Guadalajara
    Gestión de Redes Sociales Para Periodistas
    Universidad de Guadalajara
    Jul 2018 - Aug 2018 (2 months)
  • Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt
    Bachelor, Advertising
    Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt
    Jan 2005 - Jul 2010 (5 years 7 months)
    Objective: To prepare a professional for advertising who is highly trained in Advertising Communication and in the management and organization of advertising companies in the public and private sectors.

    Field of Work: The Bachelor of Advertising must be able to analyze, diagnose, design, and implement everything related to the advertising medium and marketing. His professional field of action includes: directing and managing advertising and advertising companies; work in private and public advertising companies as well as in public and private administration organizations that require their services.
  • Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt
    Licenciatura En Publicidad
    Universidad Alejandro de Humboldt
    2005 - 2010 (5 years 1 month)
  • Universidad de Guadalajara
    Social Media for Journalism Diploma
    Universidad de Guadalajara
  • C
    C2 Level
Projects verified_user 0% verified
  • E
    Escuela para Emprendedores - Venezuela
    Jan 2013 - Current (12 years 3 months)
    Escuela para Emprendedores - "Aprende - Innova - Emprende" Centros de formación para emprendedores, facilitado por Emprendedores Empresariales en diversas áreas del mercado y redes de organizaciones e instituciones educativas aliadas.
Awards verified_user 0% verified
  • S
    Social Media Community Growth