David Mauricio Cabrera Cepeda

David Mauricio Cabrera Cepeda  new_releases



Android Developer
Bogota D.C., Colombia




Jobs verified_user 25% verified
  • Perficient
    Semi Sr. Android Developer
    Jul 2021 - Current (3 years 9 months)
    - Led and managed a team of 7 as the team manager and tech lead, overseeing the development of an internal app aimed at centralizing company information. - Developed the app using Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, MVI architecture, Moshi, and Dagger Hilt, ensuring the utilization of modern and efficient technologies. - Reviewed pull requests from team members, providing valuable feedback and ensuring code quality and adherence to best practices. - Took charge of leading daily scrum meetings, sprint plannings, and retrospectives, fostering effective communication and collaboration within the team. - Successfully increased initial code coverage from 20% to 80%, implementing robust testing strategies and driving quality improvements throughout the deve
  • S
    Junior PEGA Developer verified_user Verified experience
    Nov 2020 - Jul 2021 (9 months)
Education verified_user 0% verified
  • California State University, Los Angeles
    International Student Exchange Program
    California State University, Los Angeles
    Aug 2018 - Jun 2019 (11 months)
  • University of Texas at San Antonio
    International Student Exchange Program
    University of Texas at San Antonio
    Aug 2016 - May 2017 (10 months)
  • Universidad EAN
    Ingenieria de Sistemas
    Universidad EAN
    Jun 2015 - Dec 2019 (4 years 7 months)