Carlos Jesus Vega

Carlos Jesus Vega  new_releases



Senior Data Scientist, PhD Engineering, Machine Learning
Bogota D.C., Colombia




Jobs verified_user 0% verified
  • Uptime Analytics
    Senior Data Scientist public Remote experience
    Uptime Analytics
    Nov 2022 - Current (2 years 5 months)
    - Formulate, design, and implement advanced analytics models using mathematical, statistical, and machine learning algorithms to answer business questions. - Communicate and transform the results of the models into insights for business decision making. Tools: Python, Git, SQL, AWS, Machine learning, Docker
  • U
    Lab coordinator
    Universidad del Rosario
    Apr 2021 - Oct 2022 (1 year 7 months)
    - Lead training, extension, and consulting projects on Industry 4.0 (Automation, RFID, IoT), Data Analytics, and Cloud Technologies (AWS, SAP, Azure, GCP) - Lead the formulation, development, and testing of computational and software solutions related to data analytics, modeling, simulation, and optimization. Tools: Python, Power BI, Tableu, Git, Cloud Computing, SQL, Big Data, Nodde Red, PLC
  • Instituto Colombiano de PetrĂłleo
    Specialized technical support
    Instituto Colombiano de PetrĂłleo
    Sep 2020 - Dec 2020 (4 months)
    - Develop predictive and descriptive analytics using deep neural networks (Deep Learning) for fault detection in production oil wells, with visualization in Power BI, utilizing Microsoft SQL Server for data connection and cloud storage solutions. - Develop a web application in Python (Django framework) for the detection of people and masks in security camera videos using computer vision and artificial intelligence. People detection models are based on Deep Learning architectures (Yolo V3) Tools: Python, Machine Learning, SQL, Git, Power BI, Azure Cloud, Django, Computer Vision
  • U
    Postdoctoral Fellowship
    University of Naples Federico II
    Jul 2020 - Jun 2021 (1 year)
    - Research on advanced mathematical models for complex control stochastic systems based on machine learning techniques and complex networks framework
  • I
    Part-time professor
    ITESO, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara
    Jan 2019 - Jun 2020 (1 year 6 months)
    - Teacher of different topics: Montecarlo simulation, differential equations modeling and simulation, linear optimization, artificial intelligence, neural networks, and machine learning.
  • P
    Part-time professor
    Jun 2015 - Dec 2016 (1 year 7 months)
    Universidad Industrial de Santander Part-time professor •Professor of diferent subjects such as classical control theory and modern control theory for the design and implementation of controllers in industrial systems.
  • Colciencias
    Young Researcher
    Jan 2015 - Jan 2016 (1 year 1 month)
    Develop and deploy advanced digital controllers to improve the performance of power converters, for the integration of renewable energy sources into the electrical grid. To implement the control algorithms, the FPGA Nexys 3 was employed, which is a digital circuit development platform based on the Xilinx.
Education verified_user 0% verified
  • Bosch Group
    Train the Trainer- Basis Automation I4.0
    Bosch Group
    May 2021 - Jun 2021 (2 months)
    Python, node-red, PLC, Scada, SQL, IoT
  • M
    MikroTik Certified Network Associate MTCNA
    Apr 2020 - May 2020 (2 months)
  • C
    D.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
    Centro de InvestigaciĂłn y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN
    Jan 2017 - Mar 2020 (3 years 3 months)
    Specialized in automatic control and machine learning
  • U
    Course: Mediaciones y estrategias didácticas
    Universidad Industrial de Santander Universidad de InvestigaciĂłn y Desarrollo
    Mar 2016 - Jun 2016 (4 months)
  • Universidad Industrial de Santander
    M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering
    Universidad Industrial de Santander
    Aug 2014 - Dec 2016 (2 years 5 months)
  • Universidad AutĂłnoma de Bucaramanga IdeaciĂłn, Prototipado y validaciĂłn
    Universidad AutĂłnoma de Bucaramanga
    Sep 2013 - Nov 2013 (3 months)
  • Universidad Industrial de Santander
    Electronic Engineering
    Universidad Industrial de Santander
    May 2008 - Mar 2014 (5 years 11 months)