I'm software developer full-stack I use at my work and projects JavaScript, HTML, CSS also I use C#,ASP.NET MVC, Framework Core 6 and 8, I also have knowledge in technical support I can solve problems of software and hardware, but I want to work for a big company so I can introduces myself like.. Hi I'm Carlos Somoza Software Developer from.....
I helped people from Turrucares or other sites where companies don't help them with the better way because them are olds or young's but don't have any idea about hardware or software so I saw it like a opportunity for my experiences Carrer
Software developer
Jan 2023 - Aug 2023(8 months)
Get tickets cause I solve and get solution about issues with the code or problem in SQL with better solutions and good communication with my team-
Desarrollador software
Jan 2022 - Current(3 years 3 months)
I make new webpages or projects for my customers because they don´t have much idea how can made it also I´m DBA from other customers because they need help with them DB so them give some money while I solve and got solution with then DB or Web pages.