Katie McGinley

Katie McGinley



Experienced Typescript developer with focus on React
Berlin, Germany

Contact Katie regarding: 

Full-time jobs
Starting at USD150/year
Flexible work
Starting at USD90/hour




Jobs verified_user 0% verified
  • Issuu
    Full Stack Engineer
    Jan 2023 - Current (2 years 3 months)
  • O
    Senior Software Engineer
    Open Internet Foundation (OIF)
    Jan 2022 - Oct 2022 (10 months)
    - React and Rust developer on the Internet Computer at distrikt
  • m
    Senior Software Engineer
    medpex Versandapotheke
    Jul 2021 - Jan 2022 (7 months)
    - React native developer of the Medpex and DocMorris apps
  • e
    Senior Frontend Engineer
    eHealth-Tec GmbH
    Sep 2020 - Jul 2021 (11 months)
    - primary developer on online pharmacy system, allowing pharmacies to use Germany's cutting-edge e-prescription system contributed to the project allowing doctors to issue e-prescriptions - primary language in this position was German react / typescript / qualified electronic signatures for PDF
  • T
    Full Stack Engineer
    Jun 2020 - Aug 2020 (3 months)
    - This position involved building a frontend for a machine-learning model management system, along with dashboards and test interfaces to ensure that your model deploys and works the way it is expected to. - This was a greenfield project, built with react, mobx, and tailwind.
  • B
    Software Engineer
    Feb 2020 - Jan 2021 (1 year)
    - Designing the architecture of and developing the new version of the volunteer and warehouse management software, using the stack: React, Flask, MYSQL, and GraphQL
  • a
    Full Stack Javascript Developer
    ada health
    Jul 2018 - Mar 2020 (1 year 9 months)
    - This position was full-stack javascript developer- in this particular role, that meant building and maintaining multiple frontends in React and React Native, - as well as building APIs with Node.js, and managing deployments with Docker and Kubernetes. - The primary focus of my team has been building the embedded-web experience of the Ada platform, - as well as developing the script wrapper to make implementation dead simple for our clients, and adding the functionality of next-steps to care after patient assessment in the React Native mobile app.
  • H
    Frontend Engineer
    HRS Innovation Hub | HRS Group
    Oct 2017 - Jun 2018 (9 months)
    - At HRS, I am developing the next generation of the Hotel.de website, as well as driving the collaboration of all HRS partner websites - towards the future of our development process to reduce redundancies and leverage cooperation on development efforts. - Because Hotels.de has millions of customers a year which need to be migrated over to the new site while maintaining the best possible experience - as well as remaining relevant for SEO and google ads traffic, I am building the project with Express and Node for server-side rendering, GraphQL as the API layer to connect to the various backend data sources, React, and Redux, using webpack.
  • relayr
    Frontend Developer, Mechanical Engineer
    Jan 2015 - Jan 2017 (2 years 1 month)
    - I am a front-end developer with a previous career in mechanical engineering- it is safe to say that I enjoy a challenge, and love to be constantly learning! - As a software engineer in the front-end department, I spend a lot of time designing and implementing the interactions people have with our product. - I am currently developing a new platform for an upcoming feature using React and Redux. I really enjoy being able to bring designs to life, while working together with a multi-disciplinary team - I started in the frontend team by building SDKS, which are used by both by our customers, who might want to develop web applications using JavaScript on our platform, - but also to internal projects, who are able to bring in the aspects of the
  • M
    Mechanical engineer
    MSA - The Safety Company
    Jan 2010 - Jan 2015 (5 years 1 month)
    - As a mechanical engineer and product designer, I had the opportunity to design plastic housings for portable instruments used in situations requiring the highest levels of approvals: including but not limited to use in explosive environments - and protected against damage from water, flame, corrosion, and vibration. I was the lead mechanical engineer for the ALTAIR 2X, an award-winning personal gas-detector known for robustness, durability, - and ease of use. Aside from that, I was also involved in products for the fire-service industry, mining, and submitted a patent application regarding design for closed-circuit respirators. - I started my career in the Pittsburgh office, and was granted a transfer to the Berlin location starting in 20
  • G
    Engineering researcher
    GE Global Research
    Mar 2009 - Aug 2009 (6 months)
    - end-of-life analysis on solar concentrator prototypes, conduct tests on solar panel performance
  • O
    Mechanical Engineering Intern
    Open Internet Foundation 2022
    May 2008 - Aug 2008 (4 months)
    rust] develop Distrikt (distrikt.io), a social network on the Internet Computer by Dfinity (https://dfinity.org), using react, Typescript, and react query, interfacing to the rust backend. I jumped in to the project with an entirely new team, picking up legacy code from already-departed developers, extending and improving it spearhead a global site rebranding, launching an entirely redesigned component-library based frontend to the entire social network, working closely with designers to ensure consistency over web, tablet, and mobile experiences launch the POD NFT, a multi-asset NFT hosted on the Internet Computer, interfacing with the Stoic Labs team to implement wallet and airdrop functionality in user accounts other projects included: w
Education verified_user 0% verified
  • University of Pittsburgh
    BS, Mechanical Engineering
    University of Pittsburgh
    Jan 2005 - Dec 2010 (6 years)