🎥🇨🇴 Self-educated.
I began designing and coding products when I was 15 years old back in Colombia; I did not go to college, I made most of my education by building tools while watching youtube courses. Forever grateful to Coursera, MIT, Berkeley, Stanford, and the entire web community.
🌉Startup oriented
Most of my work experience has been building or helping startups to build great products from diverse industries such as the future of work, SaaS, and the marketplaces.
📱🎧 A product system integrator:
Product system integrator is my primary skill. I enjoy imagining what a final product would look like and how it would change an industry if it were to exist, identifying the fundamental and key new technologies that would be required to make it, and collaborating with the various teams involved, from design to engineering to manufacturing, to deliver a brilliantly balanced final product.
💻 🏡 Remote first:
I have great expertise with remote and distributed teams. My startups have been working as remote teams since the beginning. I had the privilege and opportunity to work with teams from all over the globe and learn from diverse cultures, I even lived in different countries with brilliant minds.
🤘Fellow at:
OnDeck - On Deck is where the world's top talent comes to connect.