Diego Alberto Mesa Luna
Diego Alberto Mesa Luna new_releases
Backend Developer
Antioquia, Colombia
Hello, my name is Diego Alberto Mesa Luna; I am a Full Stack Web Developer. If you ask me what one of my greatest passions is, my answer without hesitation would be . I am happy drinking coffee, in front of the computer screen throwing code in VS Code. I love learning new things, but at the same time I love putting into practice what I learn as soon as possible, for this reason, below I will show you some of the projects that I have been developing while studying Full-Stack Web Development and Computer Science with the Virtual Academy, Academlo. Important note: If you want to know a little more about my projects, you can visit my portfolio or my GitHub profile by entering the following links: My Web Portfolio: https://portafolio-diego-mesa-luna.netlify.app/ My GitHub Account: https://github.com/degoprisss Projects that I have done in Node js IMDB REST API In the creation of this REST API, I used JavaScript technology such as the js node, for the creation of the database I used the SEQUELIZE orm connected with the POSTGRESQL BD bike; use the EXPRESS framework to manage routes and others. Apart from this, I used for the Bcryptjs and JWT authentication system. These are some of the tools that I used for the development of this api-rest. DB BankAcademlo This is a good application, which simulates a bank database, for the construction of this project I used node js, sequelize, postgresql and bootstrap. But not only did I create it, I also used my knowledge to connect my database with an online server, in this case I uploaded my project in Heroku. See it better by entering the following link: https://api-imdb-node-js-academlo.herokuapp.com/api-docs/ Projects carried out in React js I love creating APIS-REST, but I am also happy consuming such APIs, especially using the wonderful Framawork React js. PokéApi This is an application created with the objective of strengthening my knowledge in React js. It is an app where I consume the api-rest https://pokeapi.co/ through axios. Take a better look at it by entering the following link: https://priceless-ptolemy-fabf74.netlify.app/#/ These are some of the projects that I have carried out, if you are interested in my services, do not hesitate to contact me through this medium, or the following: Email: degoprisss@gmail.com Cell: 3105523237 or you can also call 3015125519 I know my projects on GitHub: https://github.com/degoprisss Enter my Web portfolio and learn more about my projects: https:// portafolio-diego-mesa-luna.netlify.app/