Christian Torres

Christian Torres  new_releases



CEO & Co-Founder
Santiago Metropolitan, Chile

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Jobs verified_user 0% verified
  • Kriptos
    BuenTrip Ventures
    CEO & Co-founder
    Kriptos, BuenTrip Ventures
    Mar 2018 - Current (7 years)
    - Kriptos sophisticated software classifies and labels company information using Artificial Intelligence. It obtains the probability of data loss, measures the economic impact of data loss, generates policies of use and more! - Automatically detect, classifies and labels company information into: General, restrictive and confidential information.
  • kairos
    Kairos Fellow
    Nov 2017 - Current (7 years 4 months)
    - Focusing the next generation on problems worth solving. - The Kairos Fellowship is designed to build the next generation of leaders in the field of technology, analytics, digital campaigning, and online organizing
  • Y
    Business Manager & Co-Founder
    Mar 2016 - Feb 2018 (2 years)
    - Develop new Business Opportunities. - Get in touch with New potential clients. - Maintained relationships with client organizations to precise needs in the developing of the product. - Develop client presentations and account plans. - Manage clients product plans. - Manage new product launches and business opportunities. - Worked closely with internal teams. - Consistently exceeded quarterly revenue goals. - Assign resources and budget. - Oversee day-to-day operations activities in the organization.
  • J
    Co-Founder CCO
    Mar 2015 - Jan 2016 (11 months)
    - Draper University Program 2015 Winner Startup Ideas Bank Program ( $ 50,000 USD ) - JumperJob is a web platform where you can hire college students to become interns and help you at your business needs.
  • K
    Commercial Director
    Mar 2014 - Feb 2016 (2 years)
    - Development in the commercial area selling national and international workshops (Design Thinking, Bootcamps, Product Discovery, others) - Development on the strategic network with alliances that promote Startups national and international (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Bizspark, IBM Watson, Younoodle, Startup Essentials, EEAA, others) - Organizing Investment rounds and coordination with investors - Development of new projects and creation of incubators / accelerators - Coordination of speed mentoring Krugerlabs is an Incubator/Accelerator powered by Kruger Corporation that aims to promote the Ecuadorian Ecosystem of Entrepreneurship helping Tech startups with their projects, in their first stages with: -Mentoring -Seed capital -Physical space -Ne
  • Kruger Corp
    Commercial Director
    Kruger Corp
Education verified_user 0% verified
  • U
    Enineering in International Business
    Universidad de Las Américas (EC)
    Aug 2010 - Jun 2016 (5 years 11 months)
    - The Engineer in International Business of the UDLA is a competent professional, with an entrepreneurial spirit and with a global vision in the field of economic and administrative sciences.
Publications verified_user 0% verified
  • M
    Entrevista Microsoft - Soluciones de ciberseguridad construidas con inteligencia artificial.
    Microsoft - Entrepreneurs Talks by Momentum
    May 2019