Arturo Lopez

Arturo Lopez



Full Stack Software Developer
Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia




Jobs verified_user 0% verified
  • S
    Full Stack Software Web Developer public Remote experience
    May 2023 - Current (1 year 11 months)
    - Led end-to-end development of an intuitive e-commerce platform for a physical retail store using the MERN stack. Seamlessly integrated payments, optimized UX/UI, and achieved remarkable sales growth and customer satisfaction. Built a user-friendly MERN e-commerce platform, propelling a physical store into the digital landscape. • Created a seamless interface with efficient navigation and search functionalities. • Integrated diverse payment methods for secure transactions and improved customer convenience. • Developed real-time order tracking feature to enhance transparency. • Administered admin dashboard for streamlined control over content, inventory, and orders. • Designed database architecture using MongoDB. • Implemented React for an
  • M
    Fullstack Web Developer
    Mar 2023 - May 2023 (3 months)
    - Created MyJou web application ( , a progressive tracker designed to monitor personal goals and foster accountability, with a primary focus on community to build consistency. - Implemented OAuth for seamless user authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access to the MyJou web application. - Utilized my expertise in frontend development, utilizing React and Tailwind CSS to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that enhanced the overall user experience. - Implemented websockets functionality using, enabling real-time communication and seamless updates between users and their goal progress and their peers, significantly enhancing engagement and motivation. - Leveraged Node.js and Expres
  • S
    Full Stack Software Web Developer public Remote experience
    Nov 2022 - Feb 2023 (4 months)
    - Lead the Development and deploy of designe the whole structure and implementation. - Developed and built a comprehensive E-Commerce application from the ground up for the website, utilizing my expertise in both front-end and back-end development. Leveraged my extensive experience with the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) stack to create a scalable application, ensuring seamless integration and optimal performance across all layers. - Applied my proficiency in React to design and implement a user-friendly and intuitive front-end interface, enhancing the overall user experience and driving customer engagement. - Integrated secure and efficient payment methods, such as Paypal and MercadoPago, enabli
  • F
    Freelance Software Web Developer public Remote experience
    Feb 2022 - Jan 2023 (1 year)
    - Focused on HTML, CSS, JavaScript for websites, delved into Node.js, databases, and React. Optimized ongoing projects, integrated REST APIs, and stayed current with evolving web tech. During my tenure as a freelance web developer, I focused primarily on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to craft visually appealing and user-friendly websites. As I progressed, I delved into other technologies such as Node.js for server-side development and databases like MySQL and MongoDB to manage and store data efficiently. In addition to building new projects, I also worked on ongoing projects, making optimizations to the current codebase. My work involved integrating REST APIs to enhance website functionality and improve user experiences. Towards the end of my
  • D
    Dec 2020 - Jan 2022 (1 year 2 months)
    - Created and designed Drones routes for transport medical aids between clinics and hospitals in record time. Pitching project to inversionist and authorities
Education verified_user 0% verified
  • U
    Business Administration
    Universidad Nacional del Colombia
    Jan 2015 - Dec 2019 (5 years)
Projects verified_user 0% verified
  • M
    MyJou public Remote experience
    Mar 2023 - May 2023 (3 months)
  • S
    Dec 2022 - Current (2 years 4 months)
    - Created the full achitecture of the website with MERN stack