Bryan Camilo Grueso

Bryan Camilo Grueso  new_releases



Software Engineer
Departamento del Valle del Cauca, Colombia




Jobs verified_user 17% verified
  • Sosphos Solutions
    Solution consultant
    Sosphos Solutions
    Sep 2022 - Current (2 years 5 months)
  • Tres Astronautas
    Backend Developer public Remote experience
    Tres Astronautas
    Jan 2022 - Sep 2022 (9 months)
    - Improve the performance of the old API in a 30% - Be the first person in the company to improve the coverage of over 90% of the unit tests in the projects using jest - Maintenance an existing API and refactor old code to improve the performance - Migrate a firebase database to mongodb - Automate the whole process of quotes between suppliers and clients to have the less human intervention
  • ICESI University
    Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
    ICESI University
    Jul 2021 - Dec 2021 (6 months)
    - Develop excercises for the students and check the assignments
  • Accenture
    Java Developer verified_user Verified experience
    Jul 2021 - Jan 2022 (7 months)
    - Develop the backend to read, write and modify data from the inputs in excel and load the data to the data base in Mongo DB. - Create and set a JWT for the current user
  • C
    Flutter Developer
    Jul 2020 - Dec 2020 (6 months)
    Identify and anticipate the posible problems and the needs to get a better efficiency and satisfaction to the client Worked with product managers to build a app to improve the communication and the tasks with the farmers and the sugar companie through the app. Build no-relational database using firebase as an alternative. Develop a real time table using stream builder to automatically upload the progress. But, if the farmers doesn't have a network connection, the can save the progress of their task using sqflite and upload the progress when they connected to a network again. Develop rols for the farmers and the chiefs of the area. The chiefs can saw in real time the progress of the task and also can saw who uploaded the progress and
  • Truora
    Backend Developer
    Jun 2019 - Jul 2020 (1 year 2 months)
    Help in the design of the user stories. Built the CRUD for the database. Built the methods to test the CRUD and the integration with other microservices. Consume an API Rest of the company and transform the data to the model of the solution propused. Colaborate with the front-end team in some services in vue Colaborate with the back-end team to design the architecture. Use SCRUM methodologies for the project
Education verified_user 0% verified
  • ICESI University
    Software System Engineering
    ICESI University
    Jan 2016 - Dec 2021 (6 years)